Pickup Points Map In Lebanon

250 Pickup Points Map In Lebanon

We delivery your package to the nearest Pickup Point to you, might be a shop, a garage, a super market, very near to you.

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A subsidiary of Aura Technologies LTD, a registered company in IT Services in the UK. PUP is a social network to ship & deliver anything, anywhere!

Aura Technologies LTD's vision is to expand around the world, going to the UK, Cyprus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbajian, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Romania, Crotia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Hungary, North macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Czechia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Netherland, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and others.