How to become a Verified PUP Partner?

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Why become a Verified PUP Driver?

Flexible driving opportunities with PUP Verified Driver.

Get paid to deliver.
No knocking on doors, deliver to a shop.
Increase revenue.
Be proud to be a PUP "Verified Driver".


Why become a Verified PUP Pickup Point?

Generate incremental revenue by becoming a Verified PUP pickup point.

Get extra foot traffic.
Drive online traffic to your shop.
Increase your daily turn over.
Be proud having PUP "Verified Pickup Point" Logo on your shop.

A subsidiary of Aura Technologies LTD, a registered company in IT Services in the UK. PUP is a social network to ship & deliver anything, anywhere!
Aura Technologies SARL registered in Lebanon, represneting Aura Technologies LTD.

Aura Technologies LTD's vision is to expand around the world, going to the UK, Cyprus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbajian, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Romania, Crotia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Hungary, North macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Czechia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Netherland, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and others.